CategoriesOptical Lenses

Affordable low vision devices with plastic aspheric lenses

AFFORDABLE LOW VISION DEVICES WITH PLASTIC ASPHERIC LENSES. What is Low Vision? Low Vision indicates a vision of less than…

What-why-Where of Aspherics
CategoriesOptical Lenses

What-Why-Where of Aspherics?

What is an ASPHERIC: Aspheric surface implies a non-spherical (viz: conic) surface with rotational symmetry about its optical axis. The…

Measuring Aspheres
CategoriesOptical Lenses

Measuring Aspheres: Selecting the Best Technique

The benefits of aspheric lenses are numerous: They allow for a reduction in spherical aberrations and are ideal for focusing…

CategoriesOptical Lenses

Aspheric Lenses: Optimizing the Design

With the understanding of aspheric lens manufacturing provided in this article, designers must have the tools to optimize their aspheres; the next…